Art & Mindfulness Workshops
Lauren facilitates art and mindfulness experiences for a diverse range of individuals and groups.
June 2024
Awakening Joy & Wonder: Mindfulness Walk in Nature at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden
Sunday, June 9
10:30am - 11:30am
$10 Members
$15 Non-Members
Register here
May 2024
Workshop at Associated Artists of Pittsburgh
Featured Artists Mothers Day Acrylic Flower Making Workshop with Lauren Braun
Saturday, May 4th, 11:00am-1:00pm
Registration is required and pay-what-moves-you
Register here!
April 2024
Workshops at Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh
Meditation and Bi-lateral Mark-Making
In conjunction with the exhibition, Oneness: Brie Ruais, we will be meeting in the gallery to explore creativity through bi-lateral mark making, creating "body maps" and markings on paper on the floor. Mark making with both hands simultaneously engages the left and right sides of the brain, connects you to your body and natural rhythms and helps bring you into the present moment.
Please wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to stretch and move (you might get some art supplies on your clothes). If a participant is unable to lay on the floor for part or all of the workshop, this activity can also take place seated at a table.
Friday, April 19, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Friday, March 22, 9:00AM — 10:30AM
Tuition: $5
Contemporary Craft (5645 Butler St., Pittsburgh, PA 15201)
Bilateral Mark Making in the gallery at Contemporary Craft, On exhibit, Oneness: Brie Ruais
Mobile Art Workshops
Mobile art workshops in collage, drawing & more for all skill levels.
Lauren brings the supplies and project inspiration to your group or organization.
She has experience working with adults, senior citizens, and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.
To inquire about workshops for your group, kindly fill in the form below.
Collaborative Art & Music Workshop
In this experiential Art & Music workshop, Douglas Levine & Lauren Braun (a musician and a visual artist) collaborate to create artwork with live music. We learn some musical terms that can be translated into mark making and some art terms that can apply to music. Then, our drawings become musical scores for Doug to play. The goal of the workshop is not to produce a finished piece but to experience music through art and art through music with a sense of play, creativity, intuition and spontaneity!
Guided Meditation
Learn to meditate or deepen your meditation practice. No previous experience necessary.
Meditation & Creativity
Meditation and mindfulness techniques are great tools for accessing more creativity!
Develop skills of empathy, compassion, and love towards self and others
Practice mental focus
Fine tune your mindset
Develop intuitive knowing and creative thinking
Feel your feelings and create space for yourself
Mindfulness can take the form of:
Journaling, making art with process in mind rather than product, gentle movement, intention setting, nature, gratitude, sharing ideas and active listening.