“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
My April reflections are tinged with a bit of sadness as I’ve encountered a range of wins and disappointments throughout April. Isn’t that life?!
Creative Journaling
I joined a creative journaling group at the library and it has been a wonderful experience to share and listen as part of the group. I loved writing stories and poems as a much younger version of myself and opening up to that part of myself again feels healing. I’ve been journaling throughout the pandemic and since joining the group I started writing stories and poems responding to my artwork. I’m not ready to share my writing yet but I am thinking about making a zine to go along with a future art exhibit. Also, my Cascades collages are on view at the library through the end of May so I’ve been able to visit them.
Disappointments and delayed gratification
I’ve been keenly aware this month of delayed gratification. It’s been a good reminder for me to take notice of what habits and thought patterns aren’t helping me and consciously release them. This is a daily practice just like meditating, yoga, making art.
Finishing new work and continuing to make work
I happened to finish up the beginnings of a new body of artwork as the month was coming to a close and it felt like a good transition of both finishing and beginning. I find myself drawing lots of imagery that I cut out to use for collage, painting acrylic skins that I cut up and form into flowers, and shaping creative paperclay into shell shapes and flowers. There is some repetition and overlap in each of these processes that feels exciting. I’m more now to go with the flow of creating in cycles and what I have on hand is what is meant to be used. I combine these elements together in ways that make me feel slightly uncomfortable - like someone is going to come in and tell me that’s wrong! - and I take that as sign that I must continue in this direction.
Leap into the void and letting go
Themes of uncertainty, trust, and letting go are ever present in the studio and in life. I’m constantly reminded that the only certainty in life is uncertainty and I’m trying to be more ok with that. It’s out of my control anyway. In May one of my daily goals is to ask the Universe to take care of something I’m worried about so that I can release the worry altogether and redirect that energy to other things.
Here are some journal prompts to close:
What is one thing you feel grateful for?
What is one thing that makes you feel proud of yourself?
What is one thing you would like to accomplish today?